The king cheetah is Kauko's base form. At creation, Kauko associated with the genetic mutation of the king cheetah, and it is embedded as their default.
The wolf became a staple for Kauko after exploring being away from feline for a longer term. Powerful and smart, hunting skills are put to use.
Time rift detected, approximate relative frame -20
years. Error inferring morphological boundries: airborne glitter density too high.
The secretary bird form was vital during a time of transition for Kauko, and sports such features as long tailfeathers and kicky legs.
Kauko's desire for something fluffier and waggier than a wolf came about, and thus so did the moot.
After a run in with some dragons, Kauko found themselves made a kobold, more capable of exploring caves and other small areas.
With Kauko's ability to shapeshift, many other forms have been taken.
Gryphon, reindeer, arcanine, and more..!
Kauko can change forms by sending an encrypted DNA sequence to the RFID antenna on the back of their neck. Control software can be found on their datapad.
After receiving this pattern, the control system sends a signal to the rest of the body to copy the new sequence.
Kauko has two different kinds of fully artificial bodies available to switch into.
The Universal Network Discovery Mesh includes stories and other information about the universe Kauko lives in.
Telegram: @kauko
Discord: Kauko#6237
MUCKs/IRC: Kauko